MAY 6 & 7 AND MAY 13 & 14
11am to 6 pm
PLUS 2nd FRIDAY ART WALK, MAY 12, 5pm to 8pm
Explore artwork created by member and guest artists displaying at Marin Society of Artists. Twenty-seven artists and two floors of fine arts representing several mediums in 2D and 3D works.
Abernathey, Harvey
Andersen, Gail
Arietta, Ruth
Baker, Wendy
Betlem, Felice
Chen, Yuan
Chou, Alan
Hill, Patty
Jones, Christopher
Gurman, Gail
Ivy, Barbara
Kalish, Amy
Larson, Mike
Loftus, Donna
Peterson, Erika
Pyman, Wenda
Reilly, Meg
Rose, Barbie
Sawtelle, Linda
Sebastian, Barbara
Sommer, Sue
Titman, Patti
Tamburo, Mari
Trono, Bette
Walker, Jett
Wilson, Omer
Zhao, Meili
Onsite parking with one disabled parking space. 2 hour free parking on the north side of 3rd Street across from the Centre. Metered parking on E Street. Meters free on Sundays. The City has extended the free weekend parking, in the A Street and C Street Garages. Public parking is free in the two 5-story parking garages in Downtown San Rafael all weekend long. These parking garages are near 4th & A Street and 4th & C Street.