Blue Light at the Gallery is an ongoing program of poetry and music
at the MSA Art Centre
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Monday July 22, 2024- 6 pm Pacific Time
POETRY - LIVE at the MSA Gallery in San Rafael!
Poets from the Blue Light Press Summer Workshop
All poems will be inspired by paintings and art at the Gallery!
Group reading: Lisha Adela Garcia, Suzanne Schon, Jean Hackett, Pat Barone, Robin Gabbert, Nancy Lee Melmon, MJ Moore, Mylo Schaaf, Melissa Hobbs, Linda Stamps, Elizabeth Eliades, Susanna Praetzel and Diane Frank
Doors open at 5:45.
You're welcome to bring snacks or a non-alcoholic beverage to share.
Alcohol is not permitted at the gallery.
Please email bluelightpress@aol.com for information about upcoming events.